Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Health and Social Care Communication Essay Example for Free

Health and Social Care Communication Essay The communication cycle was discovered by Argyle in 1972. The cycle consists of six areas, all of these six areas are important during communication, if any of these areas of the cycle are disrupted then the receiver would not understand or may interpret the message wrongly. The first stage to this cycle is to have a starting idea or the code of the message; in this stage the mind processes on how the sentence is going to be told, such as the tone of the voice and also what words will need to be used so that the receiver will interpret the message correctly. The thoughts will be put into the language or into some other code such as sign language. The second stage of how to say what you want to say to make sure the receiver understands what you are saying and interprets it how you are meaning them to. see more:promoting effective communication and relationships in health and social care This means what non-verbal language you are going to use as you are talking so they understand what you mean, also the tone. The tone is the key to how the receiver is going to interpret your message. The third stage to the communication cycle is to say it or to send the message, during this stage you will speak or sign or communicate in some way as long as the message is sent. During this stage the environment around you is the key to making sure the receiver can understand the words that you are saying. For example if you are in a loud room, and you are trying to communicate with another person the receiver is more than likely going to get the message you have sent, wrong because the receiver might not be able to hear all of the words that are said. This means that they will have to assume what words were said to make the sentence make sense. The fourth stage is message received, the receiver here hears or sees the words that you have said, and they have heard you properly and not missed any words out because if they have then this is where the communication goes wrong. The fifth stage is message decoded the receiver now has to interpret your message, e.g. what you have said. This is not always as easy as it seems as the other person will make some assumptions about your body language and the words that you have used. The final stage of the communication cycle is message understood, the final stage is the receiver has to understand what your message is through all the correct non-verbal language, and verbal response, if all goes well the cycle is finished. Tuckman made a theory about group discussions in 1965.Tuckman suggested that nearly all groups go through a process involving four stages when they first meet. The stages are called forming, storming, norming and performing. All these stages make the group become stronger and make sure that they are in the correct group. Forming is the first stage of the theory, so when a group gets together, they introduce themselves to the group. Most people have their best faces on and are polite; people do this because of first impressions. First impressions are important to people in the group because the impression a person sets is what other people expect from that person all of the time. Storming is finding out about each other, find out more about each other what people interest and strengths is, this is also the stage where people brain storm. But this is the stage where most people drop out because they find out that this is not the correct group for them. Norming is where the trust begins, this is the stage where team members support others and listen to other team member’s opinion. Everyone seems to get a sense of belonging and the group is now recognised and identified as a group. The final stage performing is where group members can rely on others on helping them if they are needed, where loyalty is high now. People can go in sub groups to get the work done faster. â€Å"Tuckman then added a fifth stage (Adjourning) in the 1970s to cover the end-game in his explanation of how groups develop.† Adjourning was added to end the group when the group finishes and separates as eventually all groups will separate, when groups separate they might have a party, or they might make plans to what they want to do next in life. Tuckman said after completing his theory: â€Å"Groups initially concern themselves with orientation accomplished primarily through testing. Such testing serves to identify the boundaries of both interpersonal and task behaviours. Coincident with testing in the interpersonal realm is the establishment of dependency relationships with leaders, other group members, or preexisting standards. It may be said that orientation, testing and dependence constitute the group process of forming.† (Wolfwise, 2012) It is important to have effective communication in the work of health and social care because if there isn’t effective communication between doctor and patient then the patient will get confused and overwhelmed. They will just want to walk out. It is important that doctors or nurses do not use jargon whilst talking to a patient as this will affect communication dramatically. If the doctor talks in jargon to a patient in the cycle they will only get to stage four because the patients won’t be able to decode what the doctor has just said this means that this communication is ineffective and this will have affected the patient. But if the doctor used language she understood then the patient would understand and would complete the conversation. There are lots of different types of ways to communicate in a health and social care environment there is: one to one, group, formal, informal, verbal, and written and loads more. All of these ways of communicating is great for health and social care all depending on how you use them all. If you use all these but you use them poorly then this is poor communication but if you use them all well then this is obviously good communication. (Developing effective communication in Health and Social Care. June 2011) Developing effective communication in Health and Social Care.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Federal Preemption of Class III Medical Devices Receiving Premarket App

Federal Preemption of Class III Medical Devices receiving premarket approval Case in Review Court rulings have held that the preemption clause included in the Medical devices act of 1976 protects class III medical devices which have been approved through the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) premarket approval process (PMA) from litigation. Injured parties have no means to seek relief from device manufacturers for injuries sustained due to the use of a class III medical device receiving PMA. Overview of the FDA and Medical devices act of 1976: Congress created the Food and Drug Administration in 1938 under a statute known as the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Under the 1938 act, the FDA could not prevent medical devices from entering the market but they could remove unsafe devices from the marketplace. The FDA believed that those same powers given to regulation of drugs should be extended to medical devices to ensure public safety. The Medical devices act of 1976 granted oversight and approval of medical devices to the FDA as a logical extension of duties already provided under previous legislation. The act provided for three classes of medical devices, levels I, II and III. Devices classified under level III were given the most rigorous level of testing and review due to the fact that these devices could produce the greatest level of harm. Level III devices are the only class of devices that are subject to premarket approval which requires manufacturers to submit information related to the safety and effectiveness of their devices for FDA review and approval. The Medical devices act of 1976 included a preemption clause over state law to ensure the federal statutes held supremacy over any state statut... ...mble_fda_final_rule.php>. "Medical Devices." U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. . Miller, Roger Leroy, and William Eric Hollowell. Business Law. Mason, OH: South Western Cengage Learning, 2011. Print. "The Development of the Medical Device Amendments | MDDI Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry News Products and Suppliers." MDDI Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry News Products and Suppliers. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2012. . measure, the most plausible, [PDUFA] did not, and in. "Project FDA Report 1 | In the Wake of Wyeth v. Levine: Making the Case for FDA Preemption and Administrative Compensation." Manhattan Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2012. .

Sunday, January 12, 2020

My Family and the Conservative Theory Essay

I believe that my family is a great example of the conservative theory. I was raised by both of my parents who have been married for over thirty years. There was myself and my two sisters that also comprised our household. We lived in Saudi Arabia growing up and are followers of Islam. My father, Mahdi was a geography teacher on the college level, from which he has since retired. My mother taught middle school science. My older sister has been married for over five years and has one three year old child. I am currently attending college and studying finance and my younger sister is attending college and studying accounting. Being part of the Muslim community is part of the conservative nature of my family. We choose to try and live our lives according to the five pillars of Islam. These are the beliefs that the religion was founded upon. The first pillar of Islam is that Allah is complete and supreme oneness and that Muhammad was the great prophet. This one pillar is the foundation for the way that my family chooses to live our lives. We choose to participate in a culture where we are governed by Allah a will to do what is good and morally just. The second pillar of Islam is the establishment of daily prayers. Daily prayers are very important in our culture. They are the communication that we have with Allah and the way that we are guided in how we are going to make decisions. As a follower of Islam we pray five times per day. The third pillar of Islam is concern for the needing. This includes being willing to sacrifice to help others who are less fortunate than we are. It is important in my culture to give to those who are needy and to help them as much as we possibly can. Islam teaches not being selfish and wanting worldly possessions but rather being selfless and always giving of oneself to others. This means that it has never been important to me or my family as to whether or not we are wearing a certain brand of clothing or whether or not we have certain processions. It is not important for us to try to keep up with mainstream society in an attempt to fit in as we believe that our riches are destined for another time and another place. We value saving and are conservative in our spending and shopping habits. The fourth pillar of Islam is self purification through fasting. Fasting is a big part of our beliefs and we are conservative in this area as well. We fast during the month of Ramadan from sun up until sun down. This is to teach us discipline. There is no stronger conservative value than discipline as when we are disciplined we are able to make decisions without feeling the pressure of the outside world. The fifth pillar of Islam is to make a pilgrimage to Mekkah. The pilgrimage to Mekkah is important as we are traveling to the divine spot where Muhammad heard the words of Allah that he used to write the Koran. One of the biggest differences in the Islamic culture that we are a part of in comparison to most other cultures of today is the beliefs that we are taught about dating. Muslim teachings teach us that we are not to date until we are in the confines of marriage. It is against our teachings to go out on dates or to have premarital sex as these behaviors are considered worldly and a poisoning of ourselves and we are to be a temple to Allah. In our culture we start a dua when we want to start dating. This means that we ask Allah to send us a mate with whom we will make a good match with. We believe that Allah’s divine wisdom will allow us to meet our perfect match. I believe that a man and woman are created to be able to find the one perfect match for you who will give you spiritual unity and peace. When someone in my family is looking for a partner with whom to share their life with, the whole family becomes involved. It is still important to find someone who we are going to connect with and get along with and having a person chosen for us is not a way of controlling who we date but rather a way of keeping us from making the mistake of bad relationships and having to suffer through the pain of heartache. The overall idea is that by keeping ourselves pure and clean and not being in a physical relationship with anyone we are able to find a partner who truly is the best match for us emotionally. We also are able to find the one true partner that Allah has created for us by not letting physical attraction or other decisions get in our way. We remain pure for those who we are going to marry and yes this does mean that we do not believe in premarital sexual intercourse or sexual relationships in any way. My family is very conservative in the area of dating as both my sister and her husband and my mother and father are part of marriages that were arranged. My family also does not believe in divorce. We believe that if you truly are with the person that Allah has placed you with then there is no reason for divorce from that person. Growing up following the practices of Islam has made me a much more conservative person than most of my peers. I believe that those who commit crimes should be punished to the full extent. One heated subject for today’s culture has been the idea of corporal punishment and I am in favor of this practice when it is used for the correct reasons and within the realms of the law. I feel that this is the conservative approach on this topic, following the adage if you â€Å"can’t do the time then don’t do the crime. † I also am against abortion which is another topic of heated debate today. Abortion is something that is not allowed through the practices of Islam and something that would never be okay for me or anyone in my family. Homosexuality is also popular today and in the faith of Islam it is not allowed as it is considered a true sin. However it is also a sin to perform any type of sexual act outside of marriage as sexual acts are supposed to be for the purpose of creating a family. My family has not had children out of wedlock. My family has always worked hard to uphold themselves to the moral standards of Islam. Some of this has been difficult as I have always had to think of the moral debate to a subject and how I could justify my decision within my faith. I was raised to be respectful to my parents and could not have said some of those things that I have heard other students talk about saying to their parents. I have always been raised that without my parents I would not be anything and that I needed to uphold the utmost respect for them and their decisions in life. Even when I have disagreed with things that my parents have said, I will still give them the respect of listening to their decision without question. I have always known that my family was different from the other families that I have been witness to since moving to the US. Since we have always practiced Islam and since I grew up in Saudi Arabia I did not realize that we were so much more conservative than other families. Being a part of a conservative family has taught me many things, including that I have values and principals that I am not willing to let down for any reason. I want to follow the teachings of Allah and I want to preserve a culture that I feel reacts in a better way too many of the controversial issues of today. There are all kinds of issues that have to be dealt with on a regular basis when someone is growing up in today’s culture. In a way it is nice to not have to worry about some of these issues as they are behaviors that are not permitted by Islam therefore they are behaviors that I have never thought about being involved in. I do not date and I am a virgin and therefore I find that I am a part of a subgroup within the US culture that is unique in itself. Stating that I am simply conservative might be an understatement as I believe that Allah has better for me and that I should uphold myself to the highest moral standards in order to be able to please him and find my end reward later after this life has ended. I also believe that I have been taught unique values which have carried over into my conservative way of thinking. I was raised by both of my parents who are still married and I have watched my older sister attempt to have the same life that we did growing up. I am hopeful that one day Allah will speak and that I will find my mate and be able to fulfill my life as well.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

I Attended A Summer Program At Columbia University

In the past, I associated my most cherishable moments with things physical and current. I was most influenced by the actions of my surroundings; including those made by my family and friends. However, when I attended a summer program at Columbia University during the summer before my senior year, I had the privilege of unraveling a journey within a poem. This journey has had the most impact on the way I view myself within my surroundings. My course at Columbia University included a lecture on the esteemed Langston Hughes. We learned about his impact in the Harlem Renaissance and his lasting importance to the African American community. The poem that affected me the most was Theme for English B, a reflective assignment from Hughes’s English class. Initially, the poem felt relatable to me as a student, as it is very common on first days for teachers to give these assignments. But after analyzing in class, I realized a stark contrast. Whereas the essays I received usually had a an instruction and rubric, this assignment was sans any guideline. Suddenly, as a reader, I felt the vulnerability that Hughes was demanded and the eyebrow raising lack of direction from the teacher. And I thought to myself, how I feel so comfortable with direction and feel lost without. I find what Hughes did with this assignment most fulfilling, because he introduced the comfort of control, race, and influences from our surroundings as the central thesis of his essay. He introduces himself as aShow MoreRelatedTerm Paper1589 Words   |  7 PagesWhat do I think success is†¦? When I think of success, I think of my brother Scott. He is currently and investment banker living in Manhattan but the path to that success was not easy. His character traits and dedication to hard work tell the story. Scott was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. Like most of the kids he grew up with, they attended the local catholic school. 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